
Endodontics is a type of dentistry that deals with the inside of the tooth, which includes the dental pulp, root, nerves, and surrounding tissue. The most common endodontic procedures include root canals and treatment of infections or abscesses. 

Why Might You Need A Root Canal? 

Sometimes, teeth are too damaged to repair with a filling or crown but don’t quite need to be extracted. In these cases, a root canal can keep your tooth intact, so removal isn’t necessary. There are a few cases in which we’ll recommend preserving your tooth endodontically. 
  • Dental abscess
  • Hypersensitivity, especially to heat
  • Chronic toothache
  • Decay reaching into the nerve chamber
  • Cracked teeth
  • Previous trauma that resulted in nerve death
The only way to be certain as to whether you need a root canal is a visit to your dentist at Kuraby Dentists. We’ll take an x-ray to determine the extent of the damage and perform a range of biting tests to pinpoint the source of the pain. If you decide not to get a root canal on a damaged tooth, the dying nerve will gradually destroy the tooth from the inside. It can also make adjacent teeth particularly prone to infection and disease, so treating your tooth is the best course of action for your whole smile. 

What To Expect From A Root Canal

Modern root canal procedures are painless. Your tooth and the surrounding area will be entirely numb. If you have an aggressive, painful infection, you might require antibiotic treatment in the lead up to your appointment, so the anaesthetic works effectively. 

Once you’re comfortable, we’ll create a small opening in the tooth to access the nerve chamber. From there, your dentist will remove all the diseased pulp tissue from the inside of the tooth, cleaning all the open canals. We’ll then fill the canals permanently to prevent any type of reinfection. Your root canal will eliminate the source of any pain or irritation, as there will no longer be a nerve inside the tooth. 

Aftercare For Your Root Canal

During a root canal treatment, your tooth will be thoroughly numbed. Aggressive, painful infections may require antibiotic treatment leading up to your appointment so that the anaesthetic can work effectively.

When you’re comfortable, we’ll create a small opening in the tooth to access the nerve chamber, then remove all of the diseased pulp tissues from inside of the tooth. After we’ve cleaned all of the open canals, we’ll fill them permanently to prevent any type of reinfection.

Your root canal will eliminate the source of any pain or irritation, as there will no longer be a nerve inside of the tooth.
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